
NE received a research grant from “BIRAC” (Government of India), to support its innovative idea of "Testing the feasibility of Nano magnetic disc based ablation of Cancer cells in vitro ". This project is being mentored by C-CAMP Bangalore..

Nurturing Earth Solutions Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of NE, is working with BAM Agricultural Solutions, Inc. to bring the innovative product “BAM-FX (Bio-Available Mineral Formula-X)” to India. BAM-FX is a commercially available, liquid micronutrient product that no other company can offer. This patented, next generation technology was originally developed for NASA astronauts to grow fresh, robust and nutrient dense food crops in space. BAM-FX offers substantial agricultural benefits here on Earth. The BAM-FX bridge technology platform works as a stand-alone product and also has synergistic benefits when combined with other crop production inputs.
For details visit BAM-FX